What Is a Galley Kitchen?

Galley kitchens consist of two parallel benchtops and work areas, with a narrow aisle in between. The aisle should be at least 1500mm – 2000mm wide. The space can be enclosed at one end where perhaps you have a window or a wall. Here you would maximize every spare inch of wall space to put in wall cabinets or a butler’s pantry or sink. Or the galley kitchen can be open at both ends. This is called a two-way galley kitchen. This layout means that the kitchen becomes very compact and there must be enough space to move between the two galleys. Especially if you have two people working in the kitchen at once! Make sure that the cabinets and the oven-door can open easily.

This style of kitchen offers the most efficient use of space with cabinets running down either side. Very popular in apartments, this layout is probably the best for ergonomics, too. Use it if you are faced with a ‘thin’ kitchen space. You can get smaller than standard size appliances like the dishwasher, oven and cooktop and fridge, so that these can all fit comfortably into this layout. Design a smart storage system as always, in a small kitchen. While in the planning stage, place your drawers for cutlery and your shelving for crockery at the open end of the galley, so that someone can lay the table without actually coming into the kitchen and disturbing the cook!

Similarly, place any utensils used for cooking near the oven and cooktop to minimize walking distance. Everything must be easily within reach in this kitchen design. If you have enough space, use one side of the galley as a countertop for a breakfast bar with stools or high chairs on the other side, or set your sink or cooktop in it.

Your small kitchen remodel will offer you many possibilities for maximizing a tight space. It can look stunning and is very functional!
