Kitchen Countertop Prices – Granite Vs Quartz


Looking at your kitchen? Maybe it's time to carry out the remodeling you have been planning to do for so long. So now you need to consider kitchen countertop prices and how these differ for Granite and Quartz.

Most home owners have no real idea of ​​the differences between granite and quartz, as they are both similar and different at the same time. We will explore some of the differences here.

The first step in understanding the difference in these two is to know that we are in fact discussing three materials. Granite comes in two forms – engineered and slab. During manufacturing, quartz kitchen countertops and engineered granite countertops have similar structures. The only one that is different is slab granite, and this is because it's taken directly from its natural form in rocks.

Now that you know the difference you may be asking yourself the question is the end product 100% stone? Yes both are stones. Granite comes in pure form as well as engineered. Quartz on the other hand is a stone that is found naturally in the environment. However the quality and consistency does not make for good viewing in its natural from, so a quartz kitchen countertop will always be engineered.

The process of making quartz countertops uses natural quartz that is mixed with color pigments and polymer resin. During the chemical reaction both particles combine together to produce the rich color quartz stone that you see. The same process is true for engineered granite. If you're looking for something that is 100 percent natural then choosing granite slabs for your kitchen countertop is your best option, as it is found naturally in granite rocks.

The main reason that many people do not consider granite or quartz for their kitchen is the price. Because of market forces, the price of both materials constantly changes. Factors which may affect its price are home location, installation and production costs. Currently the price is between $ 55 an $ 110 per square foot installed.

Granite and quartz have over the years felt pressure from consumer groups due to the possible existence of radon, which is a radioactive gas that is linked to cancer of the lungs. The gas is found in the natural form of granite and quartz. Tests have proven that in the engineered form radon gas cannot be detected in granite or quartz. Small amounts can be detected in slab granite.

The final issue is how durable is the slab granite compared to engineered granite or quartz. In its natural form granite has many flaws, such as striations. Over time these can crack open, but these faults are engineered out of quartz and engineered granite.

